User Centred Design

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User Centred Design by Mind Map: User Centred Design

1. Function

1.1. Table at an angle

1.2. Pencil Groove

1.3. Cup Holder

1.4. Easy to store

1.5. Handle

2. Ergonomics

2.1. Smooth to Touch

2.2. Stable

2.3. Light Weight

2.4. Easy to use

3. Aesthetics

3.1. Modern Finish

3.1.1. Natural Timber

3.1.2. Stained

3.1.3. Painted

3.1.4. Oiled

3.1.5. Covered with another material

3.2. Nice to touch

3.3. Functions as intended

3.4. Pleasing edge finish

4. Regular on-going Evaluation

5. Evaluate

6. Evaluate

7. Comfort

7.1. Table fits the users needs

7.2. Not impacting negatively

7.3. Feet not to damage resting surface

8. Safety

8.1. Safe edges (no sharp edges)

8.2. No sharp corners

8.3. Pinch / catch points

8.4. Finishes

9. Anthropometric Data

9.1. Accuracy and precision

9.2. Interacts neatly with the body.

9.3. Appropriate weight

9.4. Large enough for the desired outcome

10. Evaluate

11. Evaluate