Should teachers carry guns?

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Should teachers carry guns? von Mind Map: Should teachers carry guns?

1. Teachers should not carry guns.

1.1. it's not safe to have guns in school but they need them to keep the kids safe and protect them from any danger" school is a place that kids feel safe"

1.2. Wayne Blanton, executive director of the Florida School Boards Association, believes, "it sends the wrong message to our young people: My teacher needs a gun to be safe; why don't I need a gun to be safe on the street?" (

1.3. Robert Jones, a Democratic Representative, said, "Guns have no place in our schools" (Ash).

1.3.1. Since other people can get ahold of the guns, there can be an accident.

1.4. In the article "Protecting Athletes Who Bully Other Students Promotes School Shootings" the authors ask, "does it make more sense to spend resources to identify, isolate, and destroy bad apples or to understand how vinegar works...?" (Gary ).

1.4.1. Bad apples are bad people and vinegar is environment. Schools should control bullying and create a family environment.

2. Teachers should carry guns.

2.1. In the Columbine shooting, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were "Planning to kill most of the 400-plus students eating at the time, the pair planted two twenty-pound bombs in the school cafeteria. Then they waited outside the building, hoping to pick off blast survivors as they staggered out" (Gary).

2.2. Guns should be allowed in schools because there's a lot of accidents happening (Ash)

2.2.1. Since people be going inside schools killing kids, so teachers can have a way to defend themselves.

2.2.2. schools need to think about letting teachers to carry guns in campus so they can be ready at any time for any reason