To what extent/how can horror movies be enjoyable and beneficial to those who have phobias or anx...

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To what extent/how can horror movies be enjoyable and beneficial to those who have phobias or anxiety and help them overcome their fears? により Mind Map: To what extent/how can horror movies be enjoyable and beneficial to those who have phobias or anxiety and help them overcome their fears?

1. Phobias

1.1. Triggers of intensity

1.1.1. A Phobia can develop during childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. They're often linked to a frightening event or stressful situation. However, it's not always clear why some phobias occur.

1.2. Different types of phobias

1.2.1. Animal phobias - such as dogs, spiders, snakes or rodents. Environmental phobias - such as heights, deep water and germs. Situational phobias - such as visiting the dentist or flying. Bodily phobias - such as blood, vomit, or having injections. Sexual phobias - such as performance anxiety or the fear of getting a sexually transmitted infection

1.3. Overcoming the phobia

1.3.1. The most effective way to overcome a phobia is by gradually and repeatedly exposing yourself to what you fear in a safe and controlled way. During this exposure process, you'll learn to ride out the anxiety and fear until it inevitably passes.

1.4. persistent, abnormal, or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

2. Negative effects being scared can have

2.1. Nightmares/lack of being able to sleep

2.2. Fainting

2.2.1. Feeling ill

2.3. Impacts our thinking and decision-making in negative ways, leaving us susceptible to intense emotions and impulsive reactions. All of these effects can leave us unable to act appropriately.

3. Biological fear reactions

3.1. Flight/fight/freeze response

3.1.1. Without the fear response when we’re in dangerous situations, we wouldn’t have the energy, strength, focus or speed to fight or flee.

3.2. Heavy breathing

3.3. Chemicals released in brain

3.3.1. “The hormone oxytocin has been associated with ‘prosocial’ behavior, making us want to bond with others and seek out the comfort of others,” says Dr. Mayer. “The classic image of people huddling together on the couch while watching a scary movie or hugging at a theatre are perfect examples.” “When scared, the body releases oxytocin, which can help people become closer and bond,” says Kris Kendall, who has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology. “The brain's survival instinct is to pair with another human, or humans, to increase chances of survival.”

4. Psyche of people who enjoy horror

4.1. Different basic process level

4.2. Teenagers are most thrill seeking than older or younger counterparts

4.3. Different upbringing

4.4. Some people like to watch horror because they want to vicariously experience complex and extreme emotional content. Adrenaline rush: When we watch scary movies, we can face your fears, but since we know that it's just a movie we don't have to face anything in reality.

5. Development into modern day horror

5.1. Literature into movies

5.2. The creation of Dracula, Frankenstein, witches etc into modern horror

5.3. Literary historian J. A. Cuddon defines the horror story as: “A piece of fiction which shocks, or even frightens the reader, or perhaps induces a feeling of repulsion or loathing.”

5.4. Another definition comes from author Douglas Winter in his 1982 anthology Prime Evil. He says that horror fiction: “It’s not a kind of fiction meant to be confined to the ghetto of a special shelf in libraries or bookstores. Horror is an emotion.”

5.5. The Horror Writers Association complements those ideas. To them the genre has the power to evoke the atmosphere and sense of dread that threatens our comfort levels. It’s a type o literature that speaks of the human condition by reminding their readers of how little they know and understand.

6. Messages portrayed in horror movies

6.1. Many basic horror movies are seen as sexist and/or racist due to stereotypes where an African American is the first to die or and couple that have had sex are the first to die

7. Different genres of horror

7.1. Alien

7.2. Psychological

7.3. Super Natrual

7.4. Slasher

7.5. Gore

8. What makes a horror movie scary

8.1. Suspense

8.1.1. There is no terror in the bang, only the anticipation of it - lingering on a shot for longer will put an audience more on edge as they wait for the payoff. Audiences know a scare is coming. They know that there’s going to be a loud sound or a creepy visual. It gives an adrenaline rush, which is likely why horror movies are so popular and always have been.

8.2. Use of negative space

8.2.1. Shadows and darkness can be effective for making the hair on audience's neck stand up

8.3. Fear of death

8.4. Increase of intense music and other sounds

8.5. The viewers imagination reflected onto the monster

8.5.1. "The unknown is all too often the most scary thing to imagine." A horror film is only as good as its monster.

8.6. Location

8.6.1. Typical locations include home, warehouse, hospital, graveyard, (any locations known as scary or anxiety inducing)

9. Mental disorders effecting your perspective

9.1. Anxiety

9.1.1. Other consequences of long-term fear include fatigue, clinical depression, and PSTD.

10. Positive effects being scared can have

10.1. Slowly becoming immune to effects of fear

10.2. Easing anxiety of sufferers

10.2.1. The excitement generated can also help alleviate depression by the increase in norepinephrine (adrenaline), which in turn increases arousal, excitement and glucose (converted into energy). “Being scared takes us completely away from our everyday worries and depressions,” says Dr. Mayer. “It’s nearly impossible to be thinking of our pressures and worries when we’re experiencing fear or feeling scared. It works like an eraser for the mind.”

10.3. "Fear, or getting scared, is an emotion that’s part of our biology as human beings, just like other emotions such as sadness, joy and anger...It serves a purpose that’s crucial to our ability to survive."

10.3.1. Fear can be motivating

10.4. “Fear makes us feel alive and know we are stepping outside our comfort zones, which is exciting,” says Dr. Orma.

11. Beliefs and circumstances effecting what you're scared of e.g. ghosts

11.1. Lack of belief in ghosts results in lack of fear when watching a supernatural horror

11.1.1. Belief in ghosts results in increased fear when a watching a supernatural horror

11.1.2. High rate of murders in area increases fear when watching a serial killer movie Living alone heightens fear of being attacked by supernatural or killer