Research Methods

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Research Methods por Mind Map: Research Methods

1. Types of research

1.1. Experimental Research

1.1.1. Independent Variable Experimental Group Control Group

1.1.2. Dependent Variable

1.2. Non-experimental Research

1.2.1. Case study

1.2.2. Interview

1.2.3. Survey

1.2.4. Correlation study

1.2.5. Observation

1.2.6. Archival study

2. Ethics

2.1. Role of Experimenter

2.2. Participants' rights

2.2.1. Confidentiality

2.2.2. Privacy

2.2.3. Voluntary participation

2.2.4. Withdrawal rights

2.2.5. Informed consent

2.2.6. Deception Debriefing

3. Data

3.1. Displaying Data

3.1.1. Bar Chart

3.1.2. Histogram

3.1.3. Line Graph

3.2. Data Interpretation

3.2.1. Measures of Central Tendency

3.2.2. Measures of Dispersion

3.2.3. p < .05

4. Types of data

4.1. Qualitative Data

4.1.1. Open-ended Survey

4.1.2. Case study

4.1.3. Interview

4.1.4. Self-report

4.1.5. Focus group

4.2. Quantitative Data

4.2.1. Subjective quantitative data

4.2.2. Objective quantitative data

5. Sources of Error

5.1. Experimenter Effect

5.2. Placebo Effect

5.3. Demand Characteristics

5.4. Sampling

5.4.1. Small Sample Size

5.4.2. Convenience Sampling

6. Methodology

6.1. Population & Sample

6.2. Controlled & uncontrolled variables

6.3. Validity & Reliability

6.4. Hypothesis

6.5. Study design

6.5.1. Cross-Sectional Study

6.5.2. Longitudinal Study

6.5.3. Longitudinal Sequential Study

6.6. Data Collection