by Salma Talal
1. 1-Binary fission: it happens in paramecium and fungi as every organelle will be divided by mitosis in to two organelles then a line appears in the middle of the cell which will separate the cell into two cells ( the mother cell produces a cell that looks exactly like the mother cell )
1.1. 2-Budding: it happens in hydra and yeast as a small bud will appear on the surface of the yeast then every organelle will be divided into two organelles then the bud will absorb the divided organelle until it reaches a particular size then it will separate to form a new living organism looks like the mother
1.1.1. 3-cutting and regeneration: it happens in sponges as when we cut a small piece of sponge and leave it in a suitable environment it will be divided by mitosis to form anew living organism happens in humans as healing wounds or broken bone or liver
1.2. 4-Sporulation:it happens in bread mould as many small spores will divide inside a big spore the number increases then they will create a pressure in the inner wall of the spore leading to bursting of spore and small spores will spread and fall on food sources (one bread mould can reproduce to form 500000 spores)
2. Types of Asexual reproduction:
3. 5-vegetative reproduction :its the reproduction of the green parts of the plant (stem , leaves and roots). There are two types of vegetative reproduction: 1-Natural vegetative reproduction: happens by the plant themselves 2-artificial vegetative reproduction: happens by the interfering by farmers
4. Types of natural vegetative reproduction: 1-runner stem: as in strawberry as a letral stem runs horizontally over the soil then it touches the soil then roots grow which anchors the letral stem to form a new plant 2-rhizome : it happens in grass and mint as underground stem under the soil a small bud called rhizome appears and it grows vertically to form a new plant
5. 3-grafting: it means transferring good characteristics from the desired plant to stock trees . it can be done by two ways : 1-grafting by bud :by taking a bud from the desired plant then put it on a t-shape piece of wood then stick it into the stem of the stock tree and cover it tightly to prevent water to enter the plant then good features will transfer-re to the stock tree 2-grafting by style: by cutting part of the stem of the desired tree and stick it into the stem of the stock tree and cover it tightly to prevent water to enter to the tree which leads to transferring the good features from the desired tree to the stock tree
5.1. Advantages of grafting: 1-to improve the size or the taste of fruit 2-to allow plants grow in salty or acidic soils 3-to resist diseases
6. Parthenogenesis : it is production of new living organisms from non fertilized eggs like the queen of the bees which lays two kinds of eggs(n) which develops and grows to form male bees and (2n) which will grow to form female bees
7. its the ability of the living organism to produce another living organism of the same species
8. There are two types of reproduction:
8.1. 1-Sexual reproduction: it needs two parents (male and female) it will produce male and female gametes which fuse together to form zygote
8.2. 2-Asexual reproduction: needs only one parents which will produce the exact copy (cloning)
9. 3-tuber stem : it happens in potatoes as tubers appear under the ground stem the plant will store food in the tubers and then a small bud will appear on the tuber then it will grow until it separates to form a new potatoes 4-corm:it happens in yam and gladys a small corm appears on the surface of the yam then it grows until it separates itself to form a new yam 5- bulb: it happens in onions and garlic as aletral bud appears on the onions until it separates to form a new onion
10. 6-Offset: it happens in bananas and palm tress as aletral stem grows a little bit beside the original stem and it attache to it for two years then it separates it self to form a new plant 7-leaf: it happens in calinsho which is a fleshy leave contain buds so when it falls the root will grow out from the bud to form a new plant
11. Types of artificial vegetative reproduction: 1-slipsor: by cutting apiece of the stem containing 2 or 3 buds then plant it in a suitable soil then roots will grow from the bud to form a new plants like Jasmine and grapes and fig 2-layering: by bending a part of a letral stem under the ground by 25cm and leaving the tip of the letral step over the soil then it will separate to form a new plat like jasmine and grapes
12. Difference between mitosis and meiosis : Mitosis happens in the somatic cells (body) and the (2n) cell divides to form two cells (2n) (equal division) Meiosis happens in the sex cell and the (2n) cell divides to form two cells (n) (half division)