CMOP- E (Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement)

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CMOP- E (Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement) by Mind Map: CMOP- E (Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement)

1. Occupation

1.1. productivity

1.1.1. tasks/activities done to allow person to provide support to self and others work/school

1.2. leisure

1.2.1. task for enjoyment hobbies watching TV/ sport/ hanging out with friends

1.3. self care

1.3.1. stuff done to maintain he persons health and well-being showering/hygeine comode dressing food preparation

2. Environment

2.1. physical

2.1.1. built environment

2.1.2. accessibility

2.1.3. uneven ground

2.1.4. proximity to public transport/ support

2.2. social

2.2.1. support groups

2.2.2. family

2.3. cultural

2.3.1. customs/ behaviours/ religion

2.3.2. common practices

2.3.3. language

2.4. institutional

2.4.1. financial situation

2.4.2. funding

3. Occupational Engagement

3.1. what meaning you gain from participation

3.2. sense of purpose

3.3. inclusion

3.4. improves QOL

4. Person

4.1. physical

4.1.1. mobility

4.1.2. sight

4.1.3. diagnosis

4.1.4. all sensory and motor functions

4.2. cognitive

4.2.1. thought process

4.2.2. able to follow a schedule/ process?

4.2.3. perception

4.2.4. concentration/memory

4.2.5. reasoning

4.3. affective

4.3.1. emotions/ social function

4.4. spirituality

4.4.1. beliefs

4.4.2. Heart of the model

4.4.3. world view culture

4.4.4. relationships interpersonal/intrapersonal

4.4.5. qualities/values

5. Occupational Performance

5.1. how you perform in occupations

5.2. being able to be included in occupations