Vanessa's Network

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Vanessa's Network by Mind Map: Vanessa's Network

1. My Dad Is a drywaller who works for himself. He could help me get into drywalling by teaching me how at different job sites.

2. My Mom is a manager at bubbles and knows many business owners, she could help me get a job through her sources.

3. My auntie was a manager at Tim Hortons and helped me get a job last year. She could help me become an employee again if I needed it.

4. Dawn is one of my aboriginal advocates. She works a second job at a restaurant and could help me become a waitress.

5. Steve is another one of my aboriginal advocates. He likes to buy condos, flip them and sell them. He makes lots of profit and could teach me how.

6. Deanna is in construction. She is close with her boss and could put in a good word for me to help me get a job.

7. I could connect/reach out to a Nurse in the community about what I need and who I should speak to about being a Nurse.

8. My hairdresser, Ashley, could help me find connections in order to get into hairdressing or makeup and doing nails.

9. My friend Ashlyn works at White Spot, she could help me become a host.

10. My friend Kassidy works at Bliss Bakery, she could talk to her manager to put in a good word and i could become a baker

11. Paggy works at save-on-foods. she could speak with co-workers and managers about getting me into either the bakery, deli, cashier or stocking.

12. Danae works at Winners. She helped me get a job there this year.

13. My brother works with a moving company. He is close with his boss and co-workers which could help me get a job.

14. My uncle works as an electrician and could help me get a job.

15. Ms. Youngberg can let me know about part-time jobs and knows many business owners she could put in a good word.