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Socialism by Mind Map: Socialism

1. Socialism vs. Capitalism, Fascism and Communism

1.1. Capitalism

1.1.1. Factors and Productions are owned by Individuals

1.1.2. Factors and Productions valued for Profit

1.1.3. Allocations decided by Law of supply and demand

1.2. Fascism

1.2.1. Factors and Productions are owned by Individuals

1.2.2. Factors and Productions valued for Nation Building

1.2.3. Allocations decided by Central Plan

1.3. Communism

1.3.1. Factors and Productions are owned by Everyone

1.3.2. Factors and Productions valued for Usefulness to people

1.3.3. Allocations decided by Central Plan

1.4. Socialism

1.4.1. Factors and Productions are owned by Everyone

1.4.2. Factors and Productions valued for Usefulness to people

1.4.3. Allocations decided by Central Plan

2. 8 Types of Socialism

2.1. Democratic Socialism

2.1.1. The factors of production are managed by a democratically-elected government.Central planning distributes common goods, such as mass transit, housing, and energy, while the free market is allowed to distribute consumer goods.

2.2. Revolutionary Socialism

2.2.1. Socialism will emerge only after capitalism has been destroyed. "There is no peaceful road to socialism." The factors of production are owned by the workers and managed by them through central planning.

2.3. Libertarian Socialism

2.3.1. Libertarians assume that the basic nature of people is rational, autonomous and self-determining. Once the strictures of capitalism have been removed, people will naturally seek a socialist society that takes care of all. That's because they see it is the best for their own self-interest.

2.4. Market Socialism

2.4.1. Production is owned by the workers, who decide how to distribute among themselves. They would sell excess production on the free market. Or, it could be turned over to society at large, which would distribute it according to the free market.

2.5. Green Socialism

2.5.1. A socialistic economy that highly values the maintenance of natural resources. This will be achieved through public ownership of large corporations. It also emphasizes public transit and locally-sourced food. Production will be focused on making sure everyone has enough of the basics instead of consumer products they don't really need. Everyone will be guaranteed a livable wage.

2.6. Christian Socialism

2.6.1. Christian teachings of brotherhood are the same values expressed by socialism

2.7. Utopian Socialism

2.7.1. his was more a vision of equality than a concrete plan. It arose in the early 19th century, before industrialization. It would be achieved peacefully through a series of experimental societies.

2.8. Fabian Socialism

2.8.1. A British organization in the late 1900s that advocated a gradual change to socialism through laws, elections, and other peaceful means.

3. What is Socialism

3.1. Socialism is a collective ownership of all people from all instruments of production. Meaning the people satisfy their own human needs.

4. Who Runs Things?

4.1. The workers, united in Socialist Industrial Unions. In each workplace, the workers will elect whatever committees or representatives are needed to manage production. Within each shop or office division of a plant, the people will develop all plans necessary for efficient operations.

5. Adavantages

5.1. Poverty is obsolete because everyone has equal access to healthcare and schooling. All profits are spread equitably among all workers, according to his or her contribution. The cooperative system realizes that even those who can't work must have their basic needs met, for the good of the whole.

5.2. Natural resources are also equal care to meet the wants and needs for families.

6. Disadvantages

6.1. The biggest disadvantage of socialism is that it relies on the cooperative nature of humans to work. Therefore, those within society who are competitive, not cooperative.

6.2. A second related criticism is that it doesn't reward people for being entrepreneurial and competitive. Therefore, it won't be as innovative as a capitalistic society.

6.3. A third possibility is that the government set up to represent the masses may abuse its position and claim power for itself.a