1. LandSlide
1.1. Causes
1.1.1. When the load of the slope is heavy.
1.1.2. By human activity (excavation)
1.1.3. By natural erosion.
2. Drought
2.1. Causes
2.1.1. Lach of rain.
2.1.2. Rivers and Lakes get dry.
2.1.3. Climatic change and Global warming.
3. Blizzard.
3.1. Causes
3.1.1. Cold air in the surface.
3.1.2. Increase of the Moisture.
3.1.3. Warm and above cold air.
3.2. Consequences.
3.2.1. Car accidents.
3.2.2. Low vision.
3.2.3. Power failure.
4. Wildfire.
4.1. Causes
4.1.1. Cigar Butts
4.1.2. Bonfies.
4.1.3. Unconscious.
4.2. Consequences.
4.2.1. Death animals
4.2.2. Lost of nature.
4.2.3. Contamination.
5. Earthquake.
5.1. Causes
5.1.1. Shoch of tectonic plates
5.1.2. Liberation of eart's energy.
5.1.3. Break of rocks.
5.2. Consequences.
5.2.1. Colapse of houses and buildings.
5.2.2. Destruction.
5.2.3. Originate Tsunamis.
6. Tornado
6.1. Causes
6.1.1. A tornado is formed by a cold and warm air mass.
6.1.2. It's formed by a low pressure area.
6.1.3. And for a strong strom.
6.2. Consecuences
6.2.1. a tornado destroys the buildings.
6.2.2. It breaks the trees
6.2.3. Tornado takes the animals and things away.
7. Volcanic Eruption.
7.1. Causes
7.1.1. The volcanidc Eruption sometimes is caused by a previous earthquake.
7.1.2. And sometimes the volcano makes a eruption by his natural inactivity.
7.1.3. Also an eruption is causedby the global warming.
8. Flood
8.1. Causes
8.1.1. The main cause of the floos are the contamination and the global warming.
8.1.2. The trash in the sewerage cover the water outlets.
8.1.3. Also when the beach there's an hurricane this increase the water level.
9. Tsunami.
9.1. Causes.
9.1.1. Weather
9.1.2. Explotion of a Volcano
9.1.3. Energy of water.
9.2. Consequences.
9.2.1. Originate flood.
9.2.2. Destruction
9.2.3. Death people
10. Hurricane
10.1. Causes.
10.1.1. Increase of temperature.
10.1.2. Earts rotation movement.
10.1.3. High winds
10.2. Consequences
10.2.1. Civilian casualities
10.2.2. Sinking of shapes
10.2.3. Destruction.