Digital Tools Used for Formative Assessments

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Digital Tools Used for Formative Assessments by Mind Map: Digital Tools Used for Formative Assessments

1. 3. Animoto: This tool Gives students the ability to make a short, 30-second share video of what they learned in a given lesson.

2. 4. Answer Pad: A graphical student response system with the ability to poll and leave feedback. The blank pad functions like an individual whiteboard for each student.

3. 5. A free web-based service that lets teachers assess students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into understanding.

4. 7. Kahoot: A game-based classroom response system, where teachers can create quizzes using internet content.

5. 9. Quizlet: Lets students learn and improve by studying with flashcards, games and more.

6. 11. Classkick: This app allows teachers to post assignments for students, so both the teacher and peers can provide feedback on the assignment. Students can monitor their progress and work.

7. 13. Formative Feedback for Learning: An iPad app that is designed to foster and encourage communication between students and teachers. Through a conference setting, it uses icons to prompt discussions.

8. 15. Piazza: A platform that allows teachers to upload lectures, assignments, and homework; pose and respond to student questions; and poll students about class content. This tool is better suited for older students as it mimics post-secondary class instructional formats.

9. 17. Peergrade: A platform that allows teachers to create assignments and upload rubrics. Students upload work and are anonymously assigned peer work to review according the rubric.

10. 19. Poll Everywhere: Teachers can create a feedback poll or ask questions. Students respond in various ways, and teachers see the results in real-time. With open-ended questions, you can capture data and spin up tag clouds to aggregate response. There is a limit to the number of users.

11. 1. Google Forms: Teachers can create forms with hyperlinks, images, and videos and use them for surveying and quizzes.

12. 2. Plickers: Plickers is a simple app that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices.

13. 6. Triventy: This is a tool for making group surveys and quiz games. Again, the teacher can use their own questions or use ones on the site.

14. 8. Voxer: Teachers can use this voice recording tool as a way to let students listen and self assess their ideas and assignments. You can send recordings to parents so they can hear how their students are doing, let students chat about their work, or provide feedback to students.

15. 10. Padlet: A free website for collecting and sharing text, images, videos, and files.

16. 12. Formative: This online, all-student response system provides teachers the opportunity to assign activities to students, receive the results in real time, and then provide immediate feedback to students.

17. 14. Forallrubrics: This software is free for all teachers and allows you to import, create, and score rubrics on your iPad, tablet, or smartphone. Teachers can collect data offline with no internet access, compute scores automatically, and print or save the rubrics as a PDF or spreadsheet.

18. 16. Polldaddy: A quick and easy way for teachers to create online polls, quizzes, and questions. Students can use smartphones, tablets, and computers to provide their answers, and information can be culled for reports.

19. 18. Pick Me!: An easy to use app for an iPod, iPad, or iPhone that facilitates random student selection. It can be organized by class for convenience.

20. 20. Seesaw: Students show their work with photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. Teachers can also import directly from popular apps.