My Virtual School Library

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My Virtual School Library by Mind Map: My Virtual School Library

1. Use easy to access links to resources from school website

1.1. clear visual organization

1.2. Engaging websites

1.2.1. virtually represent access points to library resources

2. Have a multitude of resources available like

2.1. e-books

2.1.1. student generated content

2.2. journals periodicals

2.2.1. encyclopedias

2.2.2. videos

3. Availability of web 2.0 tools and easy demonstration of use

3.1. Wikis

3.2. Blogs

4. Easily access-able 24/7, 365 days a year

5. Create an online learning community for teachers, students and support staff

5.1. communication portals

5.1.1. podcasts

5.1.2. Blogs

5.1.3. video conferencingNew node

6. use bookmarking tools like,'delicious' to organize websites for teachers and students