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Focus student por Mind Map: Focus student

1. ISSUE: Focus student being bullied for being/appearing different

1.1. SOLUTION: Provide counseling for focus student, solve problem with students who are bullying focus student. Educate whole class on anti bullying and anti discrimination.

2. ISSUE: Social justice beliefs and morals of a teacher can have a negative affect on focus students learning due to disability discrimination

2.1. SOLUTION: Teacher evaluations

3. ISSUE: Less opportunity to engage in physical education lessons

3.1. SOLUTION: Teacher makes alterations/modifications to activities to suit all diverse learning needs

4. ISSUE: Focus student feeling alienated or seen as 'different' in mainstream class

4.1. SOLUTION: Treat student no different to any other student without a disability.

5. ISSUE: Lack of equipment to provide equal learning opportunities for focus student

5.1. SOLUTION: School prioritising funding towards equipment installations