Nutrition and Education Mind Map

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Nutrition and Education Mind Map par Mind Map: Nutrition and Education Mind Map

1. "Western diets" consist of fast food, soft-drinks and processed red meats; contrastingly, "healthy diets" contain a larger quantities of fruits and vegetables. The affects of both of these diets can span years in adolescents. Of the some 2686 initial participants in this longitudinal study, 602 became qualified participants after the duration of this nutritional experiment began its follow up cognitive testing. Methods: (2686) Fourteen year old students started the experiment by filling out a form describing their dietary habits. They (602) returned at seventeen years of age to take a computer based cognitive assessment. Additional variables were factored out accordingly, to strengthen the claim warrants. Results proved to be statistically significant in demonstrating correlation between western diet consumption resulting in reduced cognitive performance (Nayradi et. al., 2014) compared to its healthy diet comparision group.

2. To reduce error rates eat fruits and less red meats.

3. To improve reaction times, eat more leafy-green vegetables and less fried starches.

4. Excessive consumption of red meat increases error rates during testing.

5. Not eating fruits causes an increase in error rates during testing.

6. French fries and potato chips lower reaction times.

7. Not eating green leafy vegetables reduces reaction times.