Ethical Curriculum

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Ethical Curriculum by Mind Map: Ethical Curriculum

1. Moral and Spiritual Development

1.1. Feelings and Emotions

1.2. Making Decisions

1.3. Rights and responsibilities

1.4. Appreciation of Difference

1.5. Life Skills

1.6. Caring for Others

2. Equality and Justice

2.1. Rights of the Child

2.2. Inclusion/exclusion

2.3. Gender equality

2.4. Me as a citizen

2.5. Bullying

3. Ethics and the Environment

3.1. World resources

3.2. recycling

3.3. Nature's balance

3.4. Interdependence

3.5. Fair Trade

4. Belief Systems

4.1. Major World Religions

4.2. Festivals and Celebrations

4.3. fables and parables