LiveIn Sales Model

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LiveIn Sales Model por Mind Map: LiveIn Sales Model

1. Real Estate Listings

2. Local Real Estate Listings

2.1. Contact Agent

2.1.1. Goes through our site

2.1.2. Records the request for audit

2.1.3. Forwards to Partner in that area

2.2. Save to your favorites

2.3. Register for Email Updates

3. Collect Commissions

3.1. Directly from Agents

3.2. Through Broker Deals

4. Upsell featured listings and additional web services

4.1. Top of the list

4.2. Additional Photos

4.3. VR tours

4.4. Video Tours

4.5. Featured on Map

4.6. Coupons & Email

4.7. Section Sponsor

4.7.1. Restaurants

4.7.2. News

4.7.3. Entertainment

4.8. Webservices

4.8.1. Website (XLsuite)

4.8.2. Email marketing

4.8.3. Bookmarking

4.8.4. Online Stores

4.8.5. E Products Marketing Courses Additional Scripts Video and Premium Content

5. Community Directory

6. Give Free Directory Listings to Community Members

6.1. Artists

6.2. Business

6.3. Non Profit

6.4. NGO's