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Canadian Government by Mind Map: Canadian Government

1. Types of Government

1.1. Monarchy

1.2. Constitutional Monarchy

1.2.1. A government where a country is ruled by a king or queen but are limited by a Constitution

1.3. Democracy

1.3.1. Representative democracy A system where citizens vote for others to represent them

1.3.2. Direct Democracy Citizens vote for whatever it is they desire

1.4. Dictatorship

1.4.1. System of government where a country is ruled by a party

2. Leadership Styles

2.1. Autocratic

2.1.1. One or a few people make decisions for all citizens and every citizen must accept

2.2. Democratic

2.2.1. Citizens control decisions and have a huge say in how the society should be ran

2.3. Consensus

2.3.1. The leader must coordinate debate on an issue and attempt multiple compromises

2.4. Laissez-Faire

2.4.1. The leader plays a small role in the decisions being made and the government allows the people to do anything as long as everyone is respected

3. 3 Branches of Government

3.1. Legislative

3.1.1. Power to create laws

3.2. Executive

3.2.1. Power to put plans into action

3.3. Judiciary

3.3.1. Judges

4. 3 Levels of government

4.1. Federal

4.1.1. Deals with issues that involve the entire country

4.2. Provincial

4.2.1. Responsible for health care or education within provinces

4.3. Municipal

4.3.1. Responsible for local areas within a city