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Chapter 3 by Mind Map: Chapter 3

1. KM Challenges

1.1. Security. Providing the right level of security for knowledge management is key. Sensitive information should be shielded from most users, while allowing easy access to those with the proper credentials.

1.2. Getting people motivated. Overcoming organizational culture challenges and developing a culture that embraces learning, sharing, changing, improving can’t be done with technology.

1.3. Keeping up with technology. Determining how knowledge should be dispensed and transferring it quickly and effectively is a huge challenge. Constantly changing structures mean learning how to be smart, quick, agile and responsive – all things a KM tool must be able to accomplish.

1.4. Measuring knowledge. Knowledge is not something that can be easily quantified, and is far more complex because it is derived out of human relationships and experience. The focus should be on shared purpose rather than results or efforts.

1.5. Overcoming shared leadership. KM tools allow others to emerge as voices of power within an organization. Workers are given a “voice”, which can sometimes cause internal conflict.

1.6. Keeping data accurate. Valuable data generated by a group within an organization may need to be validated before being harvested and distributed. Keeping information current by eliminating wrong or old ideas is a constant battle.

1.7. Interpreting data effectively. Information derived by one group may need to be mapped or standardized in order to be meaningful to someone else in the organization.

1.8. Making sure information is relevant. Data must support and truly answer questions being asked by the user, and requires the appropriate meta-data to be able to find and reference. Data relevancy means avoiding overloading users with unnecessary data.

1.9. Determining where in the organization KM should reside. Does KM fall under HR, IT, communications? This decision will determine what drives your knowledge sharing initiative and who will be responsible for maintaining the community.

1.10. Rewarding active users. Recognizing the users who actively participate and contribute to a knowledge database will not only encourage them to continue contributing, but will also encourage other users to join.

2. Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)

2.1. Able to place KM within a theoretical and historical context

2.2. Able to critically appraise KM solutions

2.3. Able to manage organisational knowledge effectively, as a strategic asset, to further the organization’s objectives

3. KM in Malaysia

3.1. Managing information resources

3.2. managing organizational information resources to support organizational missions and for competitive advantage.

4. Knowledge Roles

4.1. -Knowledge leaders/ champions responsible for promoting KM within the organization. -Knowledge navigators someone who knows their way around the various knowledge repositories within the organization, whether they are in databases or pockets of expertise. -Knowledge brokers connects people who need knowledge with those who have it; they usually have a good network of knowledgeable contacts. -Knowledge synthesizers/ stewards responsible for facilitating the recording of significant knowledge to organizational memory a custodian of knowledge resources; they ensure that knowledge is properly managed and kept up to date