BAS VAN DEN BELD - Fake News: Why We Believe Them and Why They Are a Marketing Thing

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BAS VAN DEN BELD - Fake News: Why We Believe Them and Why They Are a Marketing Thing by Mind Map: BAS VAN DEN BELD -  Fake News: Why We Believe Them and Why They Are a Marketing Thing

1. Can we live in a world without fake news?

1.1. conspiracy theory

1.2. hoax

1.3. propaganda

1.4. lies

1.5. gossip

1.6. rumor

1.7. rumor

2. Fake content

2.1. Why?

2.1.1. To deceive

2.1.2. To push an agenda

2.1.3. To make money

2.2. How fake news are spread

2.2.1. repetition and echoing. trump

2.2.2. getting into their bubble

2.2.3. fake accounts

2.2.4. facebook & google targeting

2.2.5. going local

2.3. Why do we believe it?

2.3.1. it's not about facts, it's about emotions

2.3.2. our memory determines what we believe

2.3.3. our habits get in the way

2.3.4. changing our believes is almost not possible letting go of our judgement is painful try consuming content that is opposite to your beliefs, it hurts, you don't like it it's hard to get out of your bubble

3. Laugh about it

4. 7 types of fake conent

4.1. Parody

4.1.1. The Onion

4.2. False Connection

4.3. Misleading content

4.4. False context

4.4.1. Samuel L Jackson and Magic Johnson mistaken for 'lazy migrants' by Italians after shopping in Tuscany

4.5. Imposter content

4.5.1. wrong website

4.6. Manipulated content

4.6.1. photoshop

4.7. Fabricated content

4.7.1. pope francis endorses donald trump - fake

4.7.2. refugee between dead parents

5. Bas van den Beld

5.1. slides

6. Notes

6.1. Kids

6.1.1. we tell our kids not to lie, but we tell them a lot of lies - ex. fairy tales

6.2. Fake news. Is it just a new term?

6.2.1. fake news, conspiracy theory, hoax

6.3. Edward Bernays - Propaganda

6.3.1. Crystallizing Public Opinion America first opinion

6.4. Fake restaurant

6.4.1. Welcome

6.5. Fake reviews by AI

6.6. Deepfakes