School Health Preservation

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School Health Preservation by Mind Map: School Health Preservation

1. Diet

1.1. Organise weekly food

1.2. Fruit

1.3. salads

1.4. Take Full Break time

1.5. Avoid coffee

2. Exercise

2.1. 1/2 hour before school

2.1.1. 3 days p.w

2.2. 1 hr. after school

2.2.1. Every day

2.3. Weekend Activity

3. Sleep

3.1. Early bed

3.2. Organise for tomorrow

3.3. Write To Do List

4. School Plan

4.1. Termly Plan

4.2. Meet Parents

4.3. Organise

5. Time Management

5.1. Organisation-Deal with it -Delegate - Dump it

5.2. To Do Lists

5.3. Prioirtise

6. Goals

6.1. Identify

6.2. Action Plan

6.3. Targets

6.3.1. SMARTObjectives

6.4. Diary

6.5. Meetings

7. Leisure

7.1. Relaxation

7.2. Hobbies

7.3. New interest