Ethics in the World Wide Web by Sean Grant | (and hopefully others who want ...

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Ethics in the World Wide Web by Sean Grant | (and hopefully others who want to contribute..) by Mind Map: Ethics in the World Wide Web by  Sean Grant | (and hopefully others who want to contribute..)

1. Why

1.1. Perfection

1.2. Practice

1.3. Professional

1.4. Promotion

1.5. Protection

2. What

2.1. Content

2.1.1. Privacy

2.1.2. Copyright

2.1.3. Permission

2.2. Contractual

2.2.1. Scope of Work

2.2.2. Timing

2.2.3. Deadlines

2.2.4. Mediation

2.2.5. Dispute Resolution

2.2.6. Regulation

2.3. Financial

2.3.1. Payments

2.3.2. Tendering

2.3.3. Pricing

2.3.4. Quoting

2.4. Orientation

2.4.1. Transparency

2.4.2. Openness

2.4.3. Truthfull

2.4.4. Honest

2.4.5. Integrity

2.5. Oversight

2.5.1. Mentoring

2.5.2. Accountability

2.5.3. Help & Support

2.6. Technology

2.6.1. Planning

2.6.2. Sustainability

2.6.3. Open

2.6.4. Stable

2.6.5. Secure

2.6.6. Documentation

3. Who

3.1. ISPA

3.2. SAJUG

3.3. Joomla! ZA

3.4. OSM

3.5. Role Models

3.5.1. Architects

3.5.2. Doctors

3.5.3. Lawyers

3.5.4. Teachers

3.5.5. SalesForce

3.5.6. Microsoft

3.5.7. Oracle

3.5.8. SiteTutor

3.5.9. AIGA

3.5.10. Unashamedly Ethical

4. When

4.1. Sometimes

4.2. Allways

4.3. Never

5. Where

5.1. Clients

5.2. Colleagues

5.3. Contractors

5.4. Competition

6. How

6.1. Membership

6.1.1. Code of Conduct

6.1.2. Incentives

6.1.3. Insurance / Assurance

6.1.4. Benefits

6.2. Certification

6.2.1. Standards

6.2.2. Compliance

6.3. Penalties

6.3.1. Wall of Shame