Properly Executing an Email Campaign

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Properly Executing an Email Campaign by Mind Map: Properly Executing an Email Campaign

1. Creative Execution

1.1. Emails can be created and viewed as hypertext markup language (HTML) emails or text-emails

1.1.1. Text email: Plain, text only

1.1.2. HTML email: Can contain images, fonts, and hyperlinks

1.2. Valuable content is content that addresses readers need/questions

1.3. Email Client: software/program someone uses to access their email

1.3.1. Web based: Gmail, Hotmail

1.3.2. Software: Outlook

2. Personalization of Message

2.1. Customization and personalization for improvement

2.2. Segment database for customization across demographics and purchase history

3. Integration of Campaign with Other Channels

3.1. Should never have disparity between content, tone, or design of an email campaign compared to the rest of the company

3.2. In-store promotions can be reinforced and promoted to email database

4. Interaction Handling

4.1. Use every opportunity to engage with the customer

4.1.1. Automated emails

4.1.2. Order confirmations

4.1.3. Out-of-office replies

4.2. Opportunity to cross-advertise other promotions within email communications

5. Analysis of Results

5.1. Spit test across a host of factors to enable campaign optimization

5.2. Test

5.2.1. Open rates across different subject lines and delivery time

5.2.2. Optimal # of links in an email for click-through rates/conversions

5.2.3. Different copy styles and copy length

5.2.4. Effect of video on delivery rates, open rates, and conversions

6. Strategic Planning

6.1. Decide on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for the campaign

6.2. Promotional Emails will usually have an immediate goal.

6.3. Newsletters focus on longer-term goals. KPIs become important

7. Definition of List

7.1. Database

7.1.1. Email

7.1.2. First name, surname, title

7.1.3. Date permission granted

7.1.4. Source of permission

7.1.5. Gender

7.1.6. Country

7.1.7. Phone #

7.1.8. Date of Birth

7.2. The database (list of subscribers) is the most valuable asset of an email campaign

7.3. Key Factor = Growing this database while keeping it targeted

8. Deployment

8.1. Email marketer should be able to ensure an excellent delivery rate

8.2. Reputation determined by general opinion of the Internet Service Providers (ISP), the anti-spam community, and the receipts of an email

9. Generation of Reports

9.1. Understanding performance of the campaign

9.1.1. # of emails delivered

9.1.2. # of bouncers

9.1.3. # of emails opened

9.1.4. Unsubscribers

9.1.5. Pass-on rate

9.1.6. Click-through rates and conversions

9.2. Google Analytics