1. 2000-2010
1.1. 2001
1.1.1. Wikipedia is Launched
1.2. 2004
1.2.1. Emergence of web 2.0
1.3. 2007
1.3.1. Iphone released
1.4. 2007
1.4.1. Google street view is launched
1.5. 2009
1.5.1. 3D scanning enters the consumer market
1.6. 2010
1.6.1. Augmented Reality enters the mainstream
1.7. 2010
1.7.1. Apple debuts the IPAD
2. 2011-2020
2.1. 2011
2.1.1. Consumer level robotics
2.2. 2015
2.2.1. Virtual Reality makes a comeback
2.3. 2015
2.3.1. 3D body scanning
2.4. 2016
2.4.1. Sensing Homes
2.5. 2017
2.5.1. Blockchain
2.6. 2018
2.6.1. Affordable driverless cars
2.7. 2019
2.7.1. Solar powered car
3. 2020-2030
3.1. 2020
3.1.1. The 5G standard is released
3.2. 2021
3.2.1. Wireless electricity
3.3. 2023
3.3.1. Brain implants to restore lost memories
3.4. 2025
3.4.1. Electronic devices charged using Wi-Fi
3.5. 2029
3.5.1. Heavy automation of supermarkets and retail environments
3.6. 2030
3.6.1. Flying cars hit the road
4. 2030-2040
4.1. 2032
4.1.1. Electronic paper
4.2. 2035
4.2.1. Self-driving vehicles are widespread
4.3. 2035
4.3.1. Holographic recreation of dead people
4.4. 2036
4.4.1. Bionic eyes surpassing human vision
5. 2041-2050
5.1. 2040
5.1.1. Human teleportation is possible
5.2. 2045
5.2.1. Humans are becoming intimately merged with machines
5.3. 2048
5.3.1. Reversible biostasis