1. 2000-2010
1.1. 2008
1.1.1. Artificial DNA
1.2. 2009
1.2.1. The mouse genome is fully sequenced
2. 2011-2020
2.1. 2011
2.1.1. The world's first synthetic organ transplant
2.2. 2018
2.2.1. Polio has been eradicated
2.3. 2018
2.3.1. Many complex surgeries are performed by robots
2.4. 2018
2.4.1. A Vaccine For Type 1 Diabetes Begins Human Trials in 2018
2.5. 2020
2.5.1. Complex organ replacements grown from stem cells
2.6. 2020
2.6.1. A cure for malaria
2.7. 2020
2.7.1. Vaccines Have Saved Nearly 20 Million Children's Lives in Poor Countries Since 2001
3. 2021-2030
3.1. 2021
3.1.1. Male birth control pills are entering the market
3.2. 2022
3.2.1. Deafness is fully curable
3.3. 2022
3.3.1. A Single Injection of Antibodies Protects Monkeys Against HIV For Nearly 6 Months
3.4. 2025
3.4.1. Finding a treatment for Alzheimer's by 2025
3.5. 2028
3.5.1. Life expectancy explodes dramatically through gene modification
3.6. 2030
3.6.1. Graphene-made e-paper by 2015 and anticancer drugs by 2030
4. 2030-2040
4.1. 2030
4.1.1. Stem cell pharmacies are commonplace
4.2. 2036
4.2.1. Five-year survival rates for leukaemia are approaching 100%
5. 2041-2050
5.1. 2040
5.1.1. Scientists can erase and restore memories
5.2. 2045
5.2.1. Brain implants used for disabilities and entertainment purposes become widely available
5.3. 2049
5.3.1. Blindness, at any stage, is cured