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10things.rel.VC by Mind Map: 10things.rel.VC

1. your presentation

1.1. Good

1.1.1. Short, short bullet points

1.2. Better

1.2.1. Just the headline

1.3. Best

1.3.1. Only images

1.4. content

1.4.1. Company Logo

1.4.2. Business Overview

1.4.3. Management Team

1.4.4. Market

1.4.5. Product

1.4.6. Stategic Relationships

1.4.7. Competition

1.4.8. Barriers to Entry

1.4.9. Financial Overview

1.4.10. Use of Proceeds

1.4.11. Capital & Valuation

2. according to David S. Rose

3. you

3.1. Realism

3.2. Skill

3.3. Integrity

3.4. Experience

3.5. Commitment

3.6. Coachability

3.7. Leadership

3.8. Passion

3.9. Knowledge

3.10. Vision