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Literacy by Mind Map: Literacy

1. Reading as Thinking Thorndike

1.1. 1920's

2. Change in Research-Teach Word Decoding and Comprehension and Study Strategies

2.1. 1960s

3. Need Phonics not Look Say

3.1. 1950s

4. Chall's Reading Principles Comprehension, Phonics spread over time, sight words, slow and steady learning

4.1. 1967

5. Basil Readers/Workbooks/Worksheets

5.1. 1930-1940

6. Silent Reading

6.1. 1914-1919 Judd & Gray

7. Oral Reading for Everyone

7.1. Turn of the Century

8. Look Say

8.1. 1940s

9. Goodwin-Miscues

9.1. 1960s

10. Nation at Risk

10.1. 1980s

11. Balance, Please

11.1. Phonics and Whold Language

12. 5 Pillars

12.1. Phonemic Awareness

12.1.1. Phonics Vocabulary Fluency

13. Reading Panel

13.1. No Child Left Behind

14. Whole Language

14.1. 1970s

15. Every Child Reads by 3rd Grade

15.1. 1999

16. Children Get the Help They Need to Read

16.1. Common Core Standards

17. Reading is a Natural Process