by OmZy Makhlouf

1. Grammer
1.1. Adjectives
1.1.1. Al Na3t
1.1.2. Kana wa a5awatiha
1.1.3. Al 7al
1.1.4. Al Jar
2. Essay
2.1. Medium
2.2. Once almost every 2 weeks
3. Teacher
3.1. Mrs. Hala Abed
3.1.1. Smart
3.1.2. Kind
3.1.3. Nice
3.1.4. Educated
3.2. Mr. Younis Al Omari
3.2.1. Modest
3.2.2. Educated He has his masters and PhD
3.2.3. Fun loving
3.2.4. Smart
3.2.5. Fit
4. What I think will be in the Quiz
4.1. Haall
4.2. Jzrr Al Arabia Al Khaleej
5. Tests
5.1. Easy
5.2. Long
5.3. Cover about 5 lessens
5.3.1. 2 grammar and 3 reading