English Language Arts Grade 8

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English Language Arts Grade 8 by Mind Map: English Language Arts Grade 8

1. Creating a blog

1.1. Transition into memoir

2. Goals

2.1. Making design thinking about of ELA

2.2. Blogging ongoing throughout the year

2.3. New approach to teaching Grammar - embedded throughout the year-taught within meaningful writing

2.4. Instructional Media

2.5. Website

2.6. Book Clubs

2.6.1. Book trade Talk with librarian - book talks Genre of the moth

2.7. GOAL: Students are aware of when they need help and can find the resources they need.

2.8. Giving Students more time to read and write

2.9. Use the rule of three before me

2.10. Getting students to fall in love with reading - again (reading for enjoyment)

2.11. Formative assessment

3. Myths and Legends

4. Poetry

4.1. Poetry slam - Facebook live

4.1.1. Build engagement - use as hook

4.2. Writing - black out poems, what if poems, where i'm from, slam poems

4.3. Speaking - slam poems, open class sharing (authors chair)

4.4. Reading - Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Tu Pac, Eminem etc...

5. Book Club

5.1. Steam based for final novel project

5.1.1. Design an app that would best fit your character

5.2. Create a defence for your app.

5.2.1. Thesis, reference text to defend your choice What kind of app would Pony boy develop?

6. Mini-Memoir

7. First Term

8. Third Term

9. Book Clubs Ongoing Throughout The Year

9.1. A book a month is the goal

9.2. Book talks once a month / new genre introduced

9.3. Talk to librarian, see if she can gather a collection of her favourite books for the genre of the month (talk/book tailors)

9.4. Bring back the joy of reading

9.5. Design a room for your charcater

10. Maker time

10.1. Transition from M & L to Poetry

10.2. Use maker to create an element of what student writing will be transitioning in to.

11. Writing and Representing outcomes Ongoing

11.1. 10.1 Student used an interesting hook in the introduction to engage the reader and included detail and language choices that enhanced their writing.

11.1.1. 10.4 Student used an interesting hook in the introduction to engage the reader and included detail and language choices that enhanced their writing.

11.1.2. Students write for a variety of reasons

12. Short Story

12.1. Movie tailor to introduce story.

12.1.1. Culture

12.2. Thank You Ma'am, Hurry, Hurry, Numbers and nombres

13. Grammar Ongoing Throughout The Year

13.1. Umbrella: conventions, spelling, capitalisation, usage, etc..

13.2. Taught within meaninful writing

13.3. create a database of quick grammar lessons - website include videos

13.4. Grammar gap fillers-video, self check quiz, cheat sheet (to print as a reference).

13.5. mentor sentences

13.6. GOAL: Students are aware of when they need help and can find the resources they need.

14. Maker Time

14.1. Angela Stockman - Make Writing(Read)

14.2. Use maker materials to create some element of what students will be writing

14.2.1. build a character out of Lego or clay name the character, identify features, traits. spark creativity, imagination and help writers block

14.3. Construct a setting/ a room.

14.3.1. get students to create a world they imagine inside clay/blocks/lego

15. Rants

15.1. 5 paragraph Essay

15.1.1. Research

15.2. Social Media Assignment

15.2.1. How to harness the power of social media for good/ The power of technology. Ex. #notonemore #armme ...Get students to research more. How can social media make a change? Make something better? Stop a problem? Pick something you care about and start a movement. Tech and design skills. Hashtags, images, giveaways, message.

16. Cardboard Challenge

16.1. Transition from memoir to Short Story -

16.2. Part of Getting to Know You

17. Second Term

18. Non-Fiction

18.1. NY Times - learning network - article of the day

18.2. Choose STEM related issues. read, debate important non-fiction articles.

18.3. Have students bring in their own

19. Outcomes

19.1. Speaking and Listening

19.1.1. 1.4 Student was able to listen carefully and understood the task at hand and also asked appropriate questions for clarification during essay writing.

19.2. Reading and Viewing

19.2.1. 4.1Student was able to use appropriate resources to assist in their research of the chosen topic. 5.1Student used a range of resources to gather information 7.1Student used a range of resources to gather information

19.3. Writing and Representing

19.3.1. 8.1 Student used writing strategies appropriate for a 5 paragraph essay 8.3 Student took jot notes using the proper format 8.4 Student used an interesting hook in the introduction to engage the reader and included detail and language choices that enhanced their writing.

20. Outcomes

20.1. Speaking and Listening

20.1.1. 1.2Ask questions to get more information 1.4 States POV and supports it 1.5 listens to other people closely

20.2. Writing and Representing

20.2.1. Writes for a variety of reasons

20.3. Reading and Viewing

20.3.1. Selects texts to meet learners needs 5.1 identify interesting topics 5.3 locates information