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Enumeration by Mind Map: Enumeration

1. Information To be Collected :

1.1. usernames, group names

1.2. hostnames

1.3. network shares and services

1.4. IP tables and routing tables

1.5. service settings and Audit configurations

1.6. Application and banners

1.7. SNMP and DNS detail


2.1. Another useful mechanism for enumerating a target system is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

2.2. Used to assist in the management of devices

2.3. An application layer protocol

2.4. Main requirement for SNMP is that the network is running the TCP/IP protocol.

3. Definition :

3.1. process of extracting information

4. Types Of Scanning

4.1. Port Scanning

4.1.1. ~ systematically scanning computer's ports. ~ port is a place where information goes into and out of a computer ~ send carefully crafted messages or packets - intent of learning ~ refers to the surveillance of computer ports "Nmap Online Port Scanner

4.2. Network Scanning

4.2.1. ~ Use of a computer network to gather information ~ Mainly Used for securing assesment ~ Designed to locate all the live hosts on a network ~ Identify those systems that may be attacked

4.3. Vulnerability Scan

4.3.1. ~ used to identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities on a target system.

4.3.2. METHODOLOGY a. Checking for live system b. Checking for open ports c. Service identification d. Banner grabbing/OS fingerprinting e. Vulnerability scanning f. Draw network diagrams of vulnerable hosts g. Prepare proxies h. Attack