Factors influencing Mussolini's foreign policy

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Factors influencing Mussolini's foreign policy by Mind Map: Factors influencing Mussolini's foreign  policy

1. International situation

1.1. The whole world was passing throught the great depression.

1.2. In Germany, hitler ideology was expanded to change the doctrines other countries to be Rascism

1.3. Facism spreaded throught Europe

1.4. Italy faced Austro-Hungarians

2. Versailles settlement

2.1. The Versailles Settlement was key and helps to explain why Mussolini wanted to increase national pride

2.2. Italians disgusted the Treaty

2.3. Italy didn´t recieved their promised territories

2.4. this helped Mussolini to explain national pride and to be internal powerful

3. Economic resources

3.1. Mussolini needed to consolidate support for his regime and he also needed to address the economic needs of Italy.

3.2. His economic policie s therefore aimed not only to consolidate his political control and the Fascist system

3.3. Italy had limited raw materials and the south was far less industrialized than the north.

3.4. In order to address the economic weaknesses of Italy, Mussolini promoted "productivism"

3.4.1. high taxation

4. Nationalist views

4.1. Benito Mussolini increased the national pride, because he was disappointed over the Treaty of Versailles.

4.2. Several of the economic policies implementeed by Mussolini continued increasing the economic defficinecy of Italy.

4.3. There was a lack of identity

4.4. Need for strick laws and order- Facist could

5. Earlier humiliations

5.1. Bad reputation of liberal democratic politics

5.2. Italy failed conquering Abysonia

5.3. Italy didnt recieved thheir promised territories

5.4. Them won against Austria-Hungary but with "Mutilated Victory"

6. Fascist ideology

6.1. The key features of Fascisim were: Militarism Nationalism Authoritarism Social darwinisim Social untity

6.2. Fascism did not have a clear founding doctrine, and it manifested itself differently in different countries. In general, Fascism had a strong leader or dictator, one-party government, empire building and war.

6.3. Fascism's growth in E urope was fostered by the impact of the First World War. Mussolini set up his first Fascist units in March 1919, called "fascia di combattimento".

6.4. Fascism was also supported by the Catholic Church which was a significant political force in Italy.