Programminng Languages and Porgram Development
par นาย สุริยา หมื่นสีพรม
1. Web Page Development
1.1. HTML
1.2. XHTML
1.3. XML
2. Program Development
2.1. Step 1 –Analyze Requirements
2.2. Step 2 –Design Solution
2.3. Step 3 –Validate Design
2.4. Step 4 –Implement Design
2.5. Step 5 –Test Solution
2.6. Step 6 –Document Solution
2.6.1. Review the program code
2.6.2. Review all the documentation
3. Computer Programs andProgrammingLangages
3.1. A computer program
3.2. Machine language
3.3. Assembly language
3.4. A source program
4. Video: Electronic Arts Going Mobile
4.1. Summary
4.1.1. Various programming languages used to create computer programs
4.1.2. Various programming languages used to create computer programsA variety of Web development and multimedia development tools
4.1.3. toolsSteps in the program development life cycle and tools used to make this process efficient