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Meetings by Mind Map: Meetings

1. Procedure to Conduct Meetings

1.1. Notice of Meetings o Section 316  Private Company – other than to pass of a special resolution, shall be called at least 14 days or any longer period specified in its constitution.  Public Company - other than to pass of a special resolution, notice should be given; • If AGM, at least 21 days or any longer period specified in its constitution and • In other case, at least 14 days or any longer period specified in its constitution o An AGM may be called by a shorter notice if all the members agreed. o Special resolution- Notice not less than 21 days o Section 319 Notice shall be in writing and shall be given to members either  In hard copy  In electronic form or  Partly in hard copy and partly in electronic form

1.1.1. Venue o Section 327 – Subject to the constitution, a company may convene a meeting at more than 1 venue using any technology or method that enables the members’ right to participate and to exercise their rights. Quorum o Section 328 – If the company only have 1 member, only 1 member to constitute a quorum o If more than 1 member, 2 members or proxy shall be quorum unless stated otherwise in the constitution. o A meeting which does not have enough quorum is invalid. o Section 334 Appointment of Proxy – member of the company have right to appointed another person as his proxy to exercise all of his right to attend, participate, speak and vote at a meeting. Resolutions o Ordinary resolution passed by a simple majority of more than half of members or proxy that allowed to vote in the meeting. o Special resolution are resolutions passed at meetings requiring  written notice at least 21 days  approval of not less than 75% of such members or proxy that allowed to vote at the meeting

2. Board of the Directors’ Meetings

2.1. Notice  Notice of board meetings due notice must be given convening a meeting of directors  Omission of notice-Court may set aside the meeting  If all the directors are present together and consent to a meeting being held without notice, proceeding is valid despite the defect in convening the notice  Case: Khoo Choon Yam v Gan Miew Chee @ Gan Khuan Poh, Dato’ Dr & 6 Ors (2000)

2.1.1. Chairperson  The director may elect one of their number as chairperson and determine the period for him to hold office  If the person elected but not present within 15 minutes, the directors present may choose one of them to replace him Quorum  Shall be fixed by the board if not, shall be a majority of directors  resolution passed at directors meeting without proper quorum is invalid Voting  Every director has one vote  The chairperson shall have a casting vote

3. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

3.1. • Section 2 defined Annual General Meeting (AGM) • “In relation to a public company, means a meeting of the company required to be held by Section 340” • AGM compulsory to public companies only

3.1.1. • Purpose: o Fulfill the company’s obligation to its members. o Occasion where members of company will meet the directors and have the opportunity to question them on the company’s accounts, the directors’ report, company’s position and prospects o To exercise statutory vote:-  Election of directors, appointment of auditors, issue shares, payment of dividends, etc. • Mandatory for every type of public company • its relevant legislation to convene and hold a general meeting in each calendar year as its AGM • First AGM 18 months of its incorporation • Section 340 (2) Subsequent AGM shall be held; o Within 6 months of the company’s financial year end o Not more than 15 months after the last preceding annual general meeting. • Matters to be transacted at the AGM – Section 340 (1) o The laying of audited financial statements and the reports of the directors and auditors o The election of directors in place of those retiring o The appointment and fixing of the fee of directors o Any resolution or other business of which notice is given accordance the Act or the constitution.

4. Meeting of the Member (Private Company)

4.1.  Private company does not have to conduct AGM. So their resolution may be passed either: o By a written resolution o At a meeting of the members  Members of a company has power to require directors to convene meeting of members by requisition – Section 311