Internet Addiction

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Internet Addiction by Mind Map: Internet Addiction

1. What are the Effects?

1.1. If you are suffering from this disorder, it might be affecting your personal relationships, work life, finances, or school life. Individuals suffering from this condition may be isolating themselves from others, spending a long time in social isolation and negatively impacting their personal relationships.

1.1.1. Distrust and dishonesty issues may also arise due to Internet addicts trying to hide or deny the amount of time they spend online. In addition, these individuals may create alternate personas online in an attempt to mask their online behaviors. Serious financial troubles may also result from avoidance of work, bankruptcy due to continued online shopping, online gaming, or online gambling. Internet addicts may also have trouble developing new relationships and socially withdraw – as they feel more at ease in an online environment than a physical one.

2. How is it Diagnosed?

2.1. Though it is gaining traction in the mental health field – and recently added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a disorder that needs more research, a standardized diagnosis of Internet Addiction Disorder has not been discovered. This is also a significant contributing factor to the overall variability in the disorder as a whole and wide range of prevalence in the population from 0.3% to a whopping 38%.

2.1.1. One of the more accepted diagnostic assessments of Internet Addiction Disorder has been proposed by KW Beard’s 2005 article in CyberPsychology and Behavior. Beard proposes five diagnostic criteria in the identification of Internet Addiction Disorder in the general population:

2.1.2. Is preoccupied with the Internet (constantly thinks about past use or future use)

2.1.3. Needs to use the Internet with increased amounts of time to gain satisfaction

2.1.4. Has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop use of the Internet

2.1.5. Is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to control Internet use

2.1.6. Has stayed online longer than originally intended

2.2. In addition, Beard (2005) suggests at least one of the following must also be present in a diagnosis of Internet Addiction Disorder: Has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational, or career opportunity because of the Internet Has lied to family members, therapists, or others to conceal their involvement with the Internet Uses the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or to relieve a dysphoric mood (e.g., guilt, anxiety, depression, helplessness)

2.3. If you have sought help with an Internet Addiction Disorder, you have likely been given a mental test or questionnaire of some sort to assess your dependency on the Internet. The most common assessment tools used to help make a diagnosis of Internet Addiction Disorder include: Young’s Internet Addiction Test the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS)

3. What are the Treatment Options?

3.1. The first step in treatment is the recognition that a problem exists. If you do not believe you have a problem, you are not likely to seek treatment. One of the overarching problems with the Internet is that there is often no accountability and no limits. You are hidden behind a screen – and some things that you may say or do online are things you would never do in person. There is debate in the literature whether treatment is necessary in the first place. Some believe Internet Addiction Disorder to be a “fad illness” and suggest that it usually resolves itself on its own. Studies have show that self-corrective behavior can be achieved and successful. Corrective behaviors include software that controls the Internet use and types of sites that can be visited – with the majority of professionals in agreement that total abstinence from the computer is not an effective method of correction.

3.2. Some professionals argue that medications are effective in the treatment of Internet Addiction Disorder – because if you are suffering from this condition, it is likely that you are also suffering from an underlying condition of anxiety and depression. It is generally thought that if you treat the anxiety or depression, the Internet Addiction may resolve in step with this treatment approach. Studies have shown that anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications have had a profound affect on the amount of time spent on the Internet – in some cases decreasing rates from 35+ hours a week to 16 hours a week. Physical activity has also been indicative of effective in increasing serotonin levels and decreasing dependency on the Internet.

3.3. Some of the more common psychological treatments of Internet Addiction Disorder include: Individual, group, or family therapy Behavior modification Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Equine Therapy Art Therapy Recreation Therapy Reality Therapy

4. Classifications

4.1. As many scholars have pointed out, the Internet serves merely as a medium through which tasks of divergent nature can be accomplished.[41][42] Treating disparate addictive behaviors under the same umbrella term is highly problematic.[45] Dr. Kimberly S. Young (1999) asserts that Internet addiction is a broad term which can be decomposed into several subtypes of behavior and impulse control problems, namely,[46] Cybersexual addiction: compulsive use of adult websites for cybersex and cyberporn; Main article: Internet sex addiction. Cyber-relationship addiction: Over-involvement in online relationships; Net compulsions: Obsessive online gambling, shopping or day-trading; Information overload: Compulsive web surfing or database searches; Computer addiction: Obsessive computer game playing.

5. What causes it?

5.1. Like most disorders, it’s not likely to pinpoint an exact cause of Internet Addiction Disorder. This disorder is characteristic of having multiple contributing factors. Some evidence suggests that if you are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder, your brain makeup is similar to those that suffer from a chemical dependency, such as drugs or alcohol. Interestingly, some studies link.

5.1.1. Internet Addiction Disorder to physically changing the brain structure – specifically affecting the amount of gray and white matter in regions of the prefrontal brain. This area of the brain is associated with remembering details, attention, planning, and prioritizing tasks. It is suggested one of the causes of Internet Addiction Disorder is structural changes to the prefrontal region of the brain are detrimental to your capability to prioritize tasks in your life, rendering you unable to prioritize your life, i.e., the Internet takes precedence to necessary life tasks.

6. What are the Symptoms?

6.1. What are the Symptoms?

6.1.1. Physical Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may include:

6.1.2. Backache

6.1.3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

6.1.4. Headaches

6.1.5. Insomnia

6.1.6. Poor Nutrition (failing to eat or eating in excessively to avoid being away from the computer)

6.1.7. Poor Personal Hygiene (e.g., not bathing to stay online)

6.1.8. Neck Pain

6.1.9. Dry Eyes and other Vision Problems

6.1.10. Weight Gain or Loss

6.2. Signs and symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may present themselves in both physical and emotional manifestations. Some of the emotional symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may include:

6.3. Depression

6.4. Dishonesty

6.5. Feelings of guilt

6.6. Anxiety

6.7. Feelings of Euphoria when using the Computer

6.8. Inability to Prioritize or Keep Schedules

6.9. Isolation

6.10. No Sense of Time

6.11. Defensiveness

6.12. Avoidance of Work

6.13. Agitation

6.14. Mood Swings

6.15. Fear

6.16. Loneliness

6.17. Boredom with Routine Tasks

6.18. Procrastination

7. Continued or Questionable Existence?

7.1. hough originally diagnosed as a “hoax” disorder – the increased digital age has propelled us into the Internet age and Internet addiction has become a truly real “thing.” However, many researchers are uncertain of whether Internet Addiction Disorder is a disorder in its own existence or rather a symptom of other underlying conditions. Creating an even more problematic interaction is the fact that everything is online nowadays. It’s hard to make a distinction between online and offline worlds. Everything is Internet-based. From ordering food, interacting with friends, playing games, and even watching tv. Adding an additional layer of confusion and distinction is that other digital technology is taking over the world as well – make access to computers even easier. Now, we don’t have to be physically sitting in front of the computer – we can do anything from anywhere with just our phones, tablets, or other electronic devices. Still, other researchers question whether excessive Internet use is an addiction or an obsessive-compulsive or impulse-control disorder. Indeed, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is correct in its acknowledgement that much more research is needed to study this disorder.