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The Giant Panda by Mind Map: The Giant Panda

1. After being born, baby pandas are blind for the first two months of their lives. About 6-8 weeks they begin to open their eyes. They have little to no hair and are pink in color.


2. A fun quiz to help learn more about Giant Pandas!


3. Giant Pandas are mainly found in Southeastern China and is the countries national animal. However, until recently the population was on the severe decline. The image above shows the giant pandas historical home versus where they occupy now.

3.1. . Fun Fact! The first Panda came to the United States in 1936 to a zoo in Chicago!

4. Sneezing Baby Panda | Original Video

5. One of the worlds rarest mammals, there are only around 1,500 pandas that live in the wild.

5.1. As of September 2016 the International Union for Conservation of Nature claimed the giant panda is no longer an endangered species. This comes after decades of work by conservationist to save the species.

6. A Pandas diet consists of almost nothing but bamboo shoots and leaves. However, occasionally they eat other vegetation, fish, or small animals, but bamboo accounts for 99 percent of a Pandas diet.

6.1. Pandas can eat for up to 12 hours per day consuming up 12 kilograms of food. That means a Panda is capable of consuming 26 pounds of food a day!

7. Panda proportions

7.1. The Giant Panda typically weighs between 160-300 pounds.

7.2. The Giant Panda is typically 4-5 feet in height.

8. I hope you enjoyed this presentation!

9. Fun Fact! A panda’s paw has six digits—five fingers and a thumb...which is usually used to hold bamboo

9.1. Pandas' molars are very broad and flat. The shape of the teeth helps the animals crush the bamboo shoots, leaves, and stems that they eat. They can chomp on bamboo up to one-and-a-half inches thick. In the video you can see the panda use his molars to eat the bamboo.