The Phenomenon of Music in Renaissance

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The Phenomenon of Music in Renaissance por Mind Map: The Phenomenon of Music in Renaissance

1. Instrumental music

2. John Dowland's Flow my tears

3. Canzona

4. Lute Music

5. Ricercar

6. Dance music

7. Pavane

8. Gilliard

9. Jacques Buus (1500-1565) - Ricercar

10. Giovanni Gabrieli - Canzon XVI for 12 Parts

11. Lute demo - life

12. Secular music

13. Sacred Music

14. Polyphonic music

15. L'Homme Arme

16. Dufay's Missa L'homme arme

17. Desprez's Missa L'homme arme

18. Pater peccavi (Willaert, Adrian)

19. Ballett

20. Air

21. Thomas Morley's Now is the month of maying

22. Madrigals

23. Folk songs