McCulloch vs. Maryland

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McCulloch vs. Maryland par Mind Map: McCulloch vs. Maryland

1. Year Decided: 1819

2. Chief Justice: John Marshall

3. Information of the Dissenting Opinion: There was no dissenting opinion, for the Supreme Court was unanimous.

4. Constitutional Significance: This Supreme Court case was significant in its relation to the Constitution because of its dealing with the necessary and proper clause. Many times this clause has posed issues in its interpretations, and this case set a precedent for the acknowledgement of it. The case of McCulloch vs. Maryland ensured the national supremacy established in the Constitution.

5. Importance in Relation to all other Supreme Court Cases: The case of McCulloch vs. Maryland set the precedent of national supremacy. National supremacy is the constitutional doctriine that whenever conflict occures between the Constitutionally authorized actions of the national government and the actions of a state or local government, the actions of the federal government will prevail.

6. Relevant Details: Congress had just created a national bank, the Bank of the United States, and it was erected in Maryland. Maryland was not in favor of a national bank and raised a $10,000 tax on any bank not incorporated into the state. James McCulloch, the bank's cashier, refused to pay the tax.

7. Information of the Majority Opinion: All of Maryland's claims against the national bank were denied based on the necessary and proper clause and the implied national powers. The majority opinion set forth the doctrine of implied national powers and the doctrine of national supremacy.