Non-drug approaches for dementia

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Non-drug approaches for dementia por Mind Map: Non-drug approaches for dementia

1. Coping with resident with agitation

1.1. Reduce clutter and noise

1.2. Metabolic Effects

1.2.1. Weight gain

1.2.2. Dyslipidemia

1.2.3. Impaired glucose metabolism

1.3. CNS-related Effects

1.3.1. Drowsiness

1.3.2. Postural hypotension

1.3.3. Sedation

1.3.4. Seizures

1.4. Cardiac Effects

1.4.1. QT Prolongation

1.4.2. Dysrhythmias

2. Effects of Disease Process

2.1. Remission of schizophrenia symptoms

2.2. Decreased agitation and agression

2.3. Improved insight

2.4. Improved affect and mood

2.5. Increased activities of daily living

3. Communication

3.1. Set positive mood for interaction

3.2. Speak slowly and clearly

3.3. Use simple language

3.4. Respond with reassurrance

3.5. Use humor when appropriate

4. Coping with wandering resident

4.1. Set structure in the with activities

4.2. Secure environment

4.3. Install signs