Critères pour prioriser les Stories

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Critères pour prioriser les Stories por Mind Map: Critères pour prioriser les Stories

1. Cout

1.1. Story Points

1.1.1. Planning Poker

1.2. Vélocité

1.2.1. ex: 16 points / itération

1.3. Nb de scénarios "cucumber"

1.4. budget projet

2. Risque

2.1. Do first High Risk High Value

2.2. Category

2.2.1. Schedule Risk

2.2.2. Cost Risk

2.2.3. Functionality Risk

2.3. diagram

3. New knowledge (spike)

3.1. Product (what)

3.1.1. KANO model

3.1.2. Relative weights

3.1.3. mock ups

3.2. Project (how)

3.3. timebox : 2h , 1/2 J, 1J

4. Business Value

4.1. In order to <VALUE>

4.2. TODO: analyze specific value for product

4.3. Category

4.3.1. MUST have

4.3.2. Linear

4.3.3. Exciter

4.4. diagram

5. JM notes for shazino

5.1. describe process

5.2. timebox meetings

5.3. steak VS cuke

6. Iteration theme