Intelligence: The ability to learn and retain information. Fostered through neural, hereditary an...

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Intelligence: The ability to learn and retain information. Fostered through neural, hereditary and environmental influences. by Mind Map: Intelligence: The ability to learn and retain information. Fostered through neural, hereditary and environmental influences.

1. Hereditary Influences

1.1. Genetic Influence

1.2. Neural Ability

2. Environmental Influences

2.1. Socioeconomic Status

2.1.1. Caregiver's Income level

2.1.2. Caregiver's Education Level

2.1.3. Home environment/location

2.2. Caregiver Support

2.2.1. Scaffolding learning by reading, watching TV, etc.

2.2.2. Providing age appropriate toys

2.2.3. Supportive relationship

2.3. Early Nutrition

2.3.1. Pre-natal nutrition and exercise

2.3.2. Avoiding drugs and alcohol during pregnancy

2.4. Formal Schooling

2.4.1. When children start school

2.4.2. How long children stay in school

2.5. Cultural

2.5.1. Often determines what is "important" to learn

2.6. Prior Experiences

2.6.1. New node

3. Neural Influences