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learning theory por Mind Map: learning theory

1. behavourism

1.1. stimulus & response

1.1.1. Q&A

1.1.2. in class practice

1.2. observable

1.2.1. behavior shaping

1.3. feedback

1.3.1. guidance

2. cognitivism

2.1. mind

2.1.1. psychology

2.2. memory

2.2.1. way to remember

2.3. transfer knowledge

2.3.1. student's digestion

2.4. pattern and strategies

2.4.1. thinking to think

2.4.2. learning to learn

3. constructivism

3.1. active learning

3.1.1. student particapation

3.2. knowledge from knower

3.2.1. student is not empty-minded

3.3. accommodation

3.3.1. adopt to problem-based learning