theoretical perspectives

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theoretical perspectives por Mind Map: theoretical perspectives

1. nativist

1.1. The main theorist of this perspective was Chomsky

1.2. this perspective emphasizes the inborn language mechanism.

1.2.1. Nature

2. cognitive developmentalist

2.1. emphasis is that language is acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop. cognitive development is a "prerequisite and foundation for language learning".

2.2. Major theorist is Piaget

2.2.1. Nature

3. behaviorist

3.1. The behaviorist perspective emphasizes the role of "nurture" and considers learning to occur based on the stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment.

3.2. theorist for this theory was Skinner

3.2.1. Nurture

4. interactionist

4.1. Focuses on the primary role of sociocultural interaction in children's development of language. That children acquire language through their attempts to communicate with the world around them.

4.2. The Theorists of this perspectiver were Vygotsky, Bruner, and Haliday

4.2.1. Nurture