Simulacra and Simulation

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Simulacra and Simulation by Mind Map: Simulacra and Simulation

1. The Sign

1.1. The Faithful Copy

1.1.1. The Sacremental Order

1.2. The Unfaithful Copy

1.2.1. The Perversion of Reality

1.3. The Copy (No Original)

1.3.1. The Absence of an Esoteric Reality

1.4. The Simulacrum

1.4.1. Pure Simulation

2. The Simulacra

2.1. Imitated Place-holder for the Real

2.1.1. Pre-Modernity

2.2. Mass Reproduction blurs reality further

2.2.1. Modernity

2.3. Reality and Originality is lost

2.3.1. Postmodernity

3. Media

3.1. Commercialisation

3.1.1. Film

3.1.2. TV

3.1.3. Internet

3.1.4. Print

3.2. Consumerism

3.2.1. Need V Desires

4. Jorge Luis Borges Analogy

4.1. Great empire builds a map so detailed it covers as much ground as the entirety of the empire itself. As the map decays, along with the empire, the remnants of the map becomes mistaken for the empire.

4.1.1. We are living in the map - the copy - the simulacrum.