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Resource Math by Mind Map: Resource Math

1. Probability

1.1. Convert fractions, decimals, and percents

1.2. Experimental and theoretical probability

1.3. Tree diagrams

2. Order of Operation


3. Patterns

3.1. Arithmetic and geometric patterns

3.2. Write a rule for a pattern

3.3. Graphing a pattern

4. Geometry

4.1. Area

4.2. Perimeter

4.3. Classify triangles

4.4. Polygons

5. Money

5.1. Counting money

5.2. Making change

5.3. Real life money problems

6. Interactive Math Games

7. Decimals

7.1. Order and compare

7.2. Add decimals

7.2.1. New node

7.3. Subtract decimals

7.4. Divide decimals by whole numbers

7.5. Model Decimals

7.6. Estimate and Round Decimals

7.7. Decimals on a number line

7.8. Place value

8. Whole Numbers

8.1. Add

8.2. Subtract

8.3. Multiply

8.4. Divide

9. Graphing

9.1. Frequency

9.2. Bar graphs

9.3. Line Graphs

9.4. Mean, median, mode, range

10. Fractions

10.1. Model and compare fractions

10.2. Simplify fractions

10.3. Add and Subtract fractions

10.4. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

10.5. Add and subtract mixed numbers