WebQuest: TKAM Analysis Women and African Americans in the 1930s

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WebQuest: TKAM Analysis Women and African Americans in the 1930s by Mind Map: WebQuest: TKAM Analysis Women and African Americans in the 1930s

1. Students need to research two oppressed groups represented in the novel by Tom Robinson and Mayella. African Americans and women.

2. Task

2.1. Assign a specific question for students to research

2.2. Create a rubric for this portion

2.3. Create a WebQuest

2.4. Worked together on copy for this page

3. Process

3.1. Create a graphic organizer for students to use to help them answer the questions.

3.2. Add research resources

3.3. Add citation graphic organizers

3.4. Add research resources

3.5. Create form for evaluating Web resources

3.6. Create graphic organizer for citing Web Resources

3.7. Together we wrote the copy for this page

4. Evaluation

4.1. Explain this portion

4.2. Add checklist and rubric

4.3. Add TKAM Analysis for "after" portion

5. Introduction

5.1. We will create a short Animoto video to spark the interest of the students.

5.2. Each partner will find 3 images that portray the 1930s and that correlate with the themes of the novel.

5.3. The Animoto is an overview of the WebQuest

6. Conclusion

6.1. Explain to the students what they will be expected to present to the class

6.2. Students can either create an Animoto, PowerPoint or Glogster to present their findings

7. Teacher Page

7.1. AASL Standards

7.2. Texas Standards

7.2.1. History

7.2.2. ELAR

7.2.3. Technology Computer Science Desktop Publishing


7.4. Additional Resources

7.4.1. Scottsboro Boys

7.4.2. First wave feminist film

7.5. About this WebQuest

8. Overall Project

8.1. Proofread all copy

8.1.1. Create Wordles for titles

8.2. Cite all sources

8.3. Create Author Page

8.4. Research appropriate end product for WebQuest