Civil Rights Movement
by Team Schüler
1. Married to Raymond Parks
2. *4 Feburary 1913 +24 October 2005
3. five federal laws were introduced
4. Civil Rights Movement was succesful
4.1. African Americains ´ righs were officially protected
4.1.1. Many white people ´ s attitude about the the way black people were treated and the rights they deserved changed
5. icon of civil rights movement &winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,who drew attention to racial discrimination by organizing nonviolent protests and mass demonstrations
6. two changes to the constitution
7. Activist in the civil rights movement
7.1. Icon after her boycott
8. Got arrested for her refusal,had to pay 14$
9. Famous for Montgomery Bus Boycott(1.Dec.1955)
9.1. military conflict between the northern and southern states
10. Civil Rights Movement was made of people of different races
10.1. Most of them were African Americains
11. motivatet the civil to fight against the racial segregation
11.1. many people also whites supportet him
11.2. became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 to 1968
12. Civil War
13. Rosa Parks
14. Martin Luther King Jr
15. Montgomery Bus Boycott
16. Racial Segregation
16.1. Civil Rights Movement was made of people of different races
16.1.1. Most activists were African-Americans
16.2. Civil Right Movement was successful
16.2.1. Five new federal laws
16.2.2. Two changes to the constitution
16.2.3. African-Americans ´ rights were officially protected