1. Published under a CC-BY license. Feel free to add your resources, copy and embed this content into your own work. Please give attribution to ReTakethe.Net
2. CC in the wild
2.1. Science
2.1.1. Mix and Mash
2.2. Government
2.2.1. NZGOAL
2.3. Open Data
2.3.1. Open NZ Wiki
2.4. Education
2.4.1. Albany High School CC Policy
2.5. Academia
2.5.1. Stanford University
2.6. Industry
2.6.1. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Business
2.7. CC Case studies
2.7.1. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Case_Studies
3. Open culture in NZ
3.1. What do we have?
3.1.1. National Library http://www.flickr.com/people/nationallibrarynz_commons/ http://www.natlib.govt.nz/services/data
3.1.2. Digital New Zealand
3.1.3. Te Papa
3.1.4. Creative Commoners
3.1.5. Meetups http://www.meetup.com/Creative-Commons-Wellington
3.2. What do we need?
4. Actions
4.1. Share more resources
4.2. Drive CC message into academia and government
4.3. More tertiary using CC for publications
4.4. More open data from government
5. CC Resources
5.1. NZ
5.1.1. http://creativecommons.org.nz Thanks to Jane Hornibrook for attending and answering our questions
5.1.2. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/New_Zealand
5.2. International
5.2.1. http://creativecommons.org
5.3. Video
5.3.1. http://creativecommons.org.nz/news_and_events/news/creative_commons_kiwi
5.4. eBook
5.4.1. The Power of Open Thanks to David for printing copies for Retake the Net.
5.5. Sites
5.5.1. Open Knowledge Foundation
5.5.2. Open Culture
5.6. Presentations
5.6.1. http://prezi.com/explore/search/?search=creative+commons
5.7. Industry Interviews
5.7.1. New It Make http://newitmake.org.nz/