Women's Rights and Domestic Violence
by Morgan John
1. Ensure domestic violence is taught in all schools at age 13
1.1. Pros: The Younger the target audience, the more effective education will be, and the less damaged caused Cons: Extra funding are needed for sources and speakers.
2. Make laws on domestic violence stricter in countries like India and Russia. Have harsher penalties for abusers worldwide
2.1. Pros: Longer sentences would intimidate and reduce the amount of domestic violence Cons: This would only supress domestic violence, not solve it.
3. Illegalise marriage under 18 worldwide
3.1. Pros: Decreasing the number of child marriages would also decrease amount of statutory rape. Cons: It would be extremely difficult to negotiate with and convince all countries to follow these laws, there would also be a rise in illegal marriages
4. Domestic violence is a higher priority crime
4.1. Pros: Victims would be able to escape abusers, trials wouldn’t be postponed Cons: The amount of awaiting trials is large enough, rescheduling trial dates would be difficult
5. Build more women’s refuge shelters for domestic violence victims and improve conditions
5.1. Pros: Victims of domestic violence would be safe from their partner Cons: cost money, need people to run the shelters. Going to a shelter is voluntary
6. Have a series on popular social media and children’s channels that show how to recognise domestic violence and how to reach out for help
6.1. Pros: Younger the target audience, the more effective education will be, and the less damaged caused. Cons: It would be difficult to get parental approval and to reach out to children aged 13 and under on social media
7. Introduce more women into the workforce to combat gender roles
7.1. Pros: Putting more women into the workforce would encourage financial independence, eliminating dependency on abusers. This would also give victims power and stability, helping achieve an atmosphere of equality Cons: Number of jobs available would be a problem if too low, also some women may not have the time or be physically unable to work