Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

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Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content by Mind Map: Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

1. Cognitive Perspective- emphasizes the stage theory of cognitive development in children s knowledge and their thinking thorough the process of assimilation and accommodation: Theorists, Jean Piaget

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2. Chomsky proposed that all humans have a language acqusition device which he referred to as universal grammar. He describes this system as a system of principles, conditions, and rules that are elements of all human languages. Since we were born with a set of rules about language , this universal grammar is the basis upon which all human languages build. Chomsky states this component of universal language explains why humans are able to learn their culture's specific language because it is a quality of the human species according to (Otto, 2010).

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3. Piaget believed children constructed their knowledge through the process of assimilation where they evaluate and try to understand their existing knowledge, and accommodation in which they expand and modify their cognitive structures based on new experiences. The emphasis of this perspective is acquired as maturation occurs. He believed that equillibration having a balance between assimilation and accommodation help children move from one stage into the next in cognitive competency.

4. Believes that all behavior is the product of environment and experience with no important contrbution by biological factors and that learning takes place through a process of association or conditioning as proposed by Ivan Pavlov that development is considered a reaction to rewards, punishments, stimuli and reinforcement

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6. Behaviorist Perspective -emphasizes the role of "nurture" and considers learning to occur based on the stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment ( Otto p.31): Theorists,John B. Watts

7. Nativist Perspective- focuses on nature. The nativist perspective emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities (Otto P. 27). The nativist perspective argues that humans are biologically programmed to gain knowledge: Theorist, Noam Chomsky.

8. The work of Vygotsky emphasized the role of social interaction in language develoment. "Vygotsky's basic premise was that languge development is influenced gy the society in which the individual lives" (Otto, p. 33). In otherr words speech is formed socially and when people are interacting with each other through communication , language develops.

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