Installing Mind Meister on Christian Mindmaps and Making a Premium Section for Subscribers

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Installing Mind Meister on Christian Mindmaps and Making a Premium Section for Subscribers by Mind Map: Installing Mind Meister on Christian Mindmaps and Making a Premium Section for Subscribers

1. What files do I need to upload to my server?

2. What code do I need to insert into my website?

2.1. To embed the editor for a specific user you have to use an IFRAME with the correct syntax:

2.1.1. The auth_token needs to be retrieved via the mm.auth.getToken method.

2.1.2. The signature needs to be done with an API key as usual.

3. How do they login to edit it?

4. What is the auth token?

5. What do I need Authentication for?

6. How do they open the editor window?

6.1. . In order to open the editor window, your service will need to make a post request exemplified by the following form source code:

6.1.1. What are the Parameters and what do they mean?

7. What are some websites that have tutorials?

7.1. FREE

7.2. COST

