Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom

Workshop Social Media and Education, November 3, 2011, 15:45 - 17:15

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Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom von Mind Map: Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom

1. Music

1.1. Spotify


2. Use Social Media safely in foreign language classes

3. Prevent abusing Social Media

4. Prevent decline of abstract and critical thinking

5. Social networks & Blogs

5.1. Facebook

5.2. LinkedIn

5.3. WordPress

5.4. Blogger

6. See the workshop presentation!

7. Use in classroom situations and with older teachers

8. Approachable by people in need of social healthcare

9. Make students improve their language

10. Knowledge

10.1. Wikipedia

10.2. Quora

10.3. Stackexchange

11. Use Social Media for homework

12. Movies

12.1. Vimeo

12.2. YouTube

13. Together developing ideas for Leonardo projects

14. A printable sheet with tips and links for online tools

15. Pictures

15.1. Flickr

15.2. Zooomr

15.3. Twitpic

16. Use Social Media to share contacts

17. Connect students, parents and companies


18.1. Digg

18.2. Delicious