1. STEP 1 : present state, obstacles, goals?
1.1. Took a long time to find parking
1.2. Most of parking lot were full
1.3. Students came late to the classes
1.4. A lot of students bring their own car
2. STEP 2 : What might be done to solve the problem?
2.1. Need to discourage students from using a car.
2.2. Encourage students to walk, bike, or take public transit to campus.
2.3. Maintaining a university shuttle service.
2.4. University should create reliable transportation systems.
2.5. Only hand out as many vehicle sticker as there are spaces.
2.6. Regularly monitor all university parking lots to ensure all the vehicles in the lots have car passes.
2.7. Raise the prices for car passes.
2.8. Carpool program.
2.9. Electronic management system to control parking flow.
3. STEP 5 : How will we put our decision into effect?
3.1. Write a letter to Unic Leisure
3.1.1. Tell them to increase the number of busses
3.1.2. Provide a more systematic schedule
3.2. Write a letter to Unit Keselamatan
3.2.1. Set more strict terms and regulations for vehicle sticker application
3.2.2. Monitor all university parking lots to ensure all the vehicles in the lots have vehicle sticker.
4. STEP 3 : specific criteria
4.1. Improve enforcement
4.1.1. Vehicle and parking regulations
4.2. Environmental sustainbility
4.2.1. University need to retain an equal area of green land
4.2.2. Cannot sacrifices more green land to build more parking lots
4.3. Reduce demands
4.3.1. Using university transport
5. sTEP 4 : relative merits of our possible solutions?
5.1. Improve regulations
5.1.1. Only hand out as many vehicle sticker as there are spaces Advantage Parking is adequate for all Only people with car passes can bring their car and park in the parking lot Disadvantage Students will park their car along the roadside
5.2. Reduce demands
5.2.1. Maintaining a university shuttle services Advantage The number of cars will be decrease No need to scramble to find parking Disadvantage There’s a chance students could miss a bus Had to struggle to get on the bus A lot safer than driving yourself